Mentor PADS 相关软件资源下载分享

 Mentor PADS 相关软件资源下载分享

Mentor PADS 桌面自动化设计解决方案提供了简单易用的环境,可帮助您化解日常遇到的 PCB 设计挑战。利用 PADS, 您不仅可以更快、更好地完成工作,而且还能节省成本。

目前,新版本的Mentor PADS 分为:PADS Standard、PADS Standard Plus 及 PADS Professional 版本。

其中,PADS Standard、PADS Standard Plus与传统的PADS的体验是一致的,就是你之前用的老版本的pads,如pads 9.5,可以直接的转换的PADS Standard、PADS Standard Plus。而 PADS Professional 是其Mentor高端产品线Xpedition的功能简化版,跟传统的pads有很大的区别。

PADS Standard Plus 比PADS Standard支持更多的高级特性,面向需要设计流程更为完善且包含高级工具集的独立工程师,其中配备了增强的 Layout 和集成式分析与验证,可全面满足在快速创建高质量 PCB 时的一切需求。

PADS Professional 是 PADS 最高阶的套装,适合需要处理一切的工程师。


  • 处理最复杂的挑战,更好更快
  • 使用Xpedition技术提供了无可比拟的性能及超值的价格
  • 增加跨越PCB设计和FPGA协同设计效率
  • 使用HyperLynx提供信号/电源完整性和热分析和验证设计
  • 功能强大且易于使用的功能,包括集成射频,草图布线和真正的3D设计

这里,老wu特地汇总了Mentor 相关EDA设计软件资源(包括Mentor PADS 9.5及后续的最新版本并且会一直持续更新,敬请关注)分享给大家。

可提供下载的Mentor EDA软件资源包括:

  • Mentor PADS  (汇总了多个版本,包括最新版)
  • Mentor Hyerlynx (汇总了多个版本,包括最新版)
  • Mentor Xpedition (汇总了多个版本,包括最新版)

大家按需选择下载对应的版本,再次声明,Mentor PADS到了VX系列后,Standard版本跟Professional有很大的不同,Standard是传统的PADS版本升级,而Professional版本是Xpedition的功能简化版,他们的使用体验是不一样的。

同时,老wu提供了专用的Mentor PADS一键破解软件给大家:馒头破戒大师,针对mentor系列的软件都是适用的,包括pads、Xpedition、hyperlynx、npi等等。馒头破戒大师下载地址:

关于 Mentor PADS 的安装和破解教程

老wu之前写过pads各个版本的安装教程,大家可以在博客里搜索关键字“pads 安装”,在博客首页或者右侧的工具栏都有搜索输入框,输入关键字搜索即可收到pads的安装教程。



如何下载Mentor PADS PCB 设计软件合集




下载|Mentor PADS







  • 使用V2.3版本其中1个部分的布局已经完成,原理图与pcb已经同步过,但是使用复制模块时选中要复用的器件后点击添加复用模块一直显示不正确的复用选择,最大层与eco模式都设置成功了。将这一部分的原理图单独导出后进行对比,也没有差别,请问是否还有别的设置不对

  • baron17819
  • PADS VX 2.3导不出ODB++ 文档,无法导出。换才PADS9.5,PADS VX2.5 也是同样的问题

  • 巴哥
  • vx2.5
    安装到window server2022上面的。


  • 正能量
  • VX2.7版本,先安装了PADSVX.2.7_ESDM,后安装了PADSVX.2.7_Upd2_ESDM,破解用2.02,提示成功破解(有产生LICENSE文件也有正确的用户环境变量),但是打开还是演示版本。请问要怎样弄?

  • weather
  • 请问这个是什么问题呀,各个版本都试了都不行

  • shuke
  • PADS2.7需要安装补丁吗?如何安装?no patching point found 运行不了

  • shuke
  • no patching point found

  • SKR
  • 感謝分享

  • 微信用户
  • 据说最新版本已经去到VX.2.12了,老吴什么时候更新一下?

    • 同求vx2.12,网盘的2.11是32位的启动比较慢

  • 微信用户
  • 压缩包损坏,

  • 微信用户
  • 吴老师,Mentor DXDesigner软件安装包是否可以同步出来?感谢!

  • 微信用户
  • The following FlexNet errors were found:
    Server C:\MentorGraphics\LICENSE.DAT: Invalid (inconsistent) license key.
    The license key and data for the feature do not match.
    This usually happens when a license file has been altered.
    Feature: mgc_s
    License path: C:\MentorGraphics\LICENSE.DAT;
    FlexNet Licensing error:-8,523

    Server C:\MentorGraphics\LICENSE.DAT: Invalid (inconsistent) license key.
    The license key and data for the feature do not match.
    This usually happens when a license file has been altered.
    Feature: mentorall_s
    License path: C:\MentorGraphics\LICENSE.DAT;
    FlexNet Licensing error:-8,523

    Server C:\MentorGraphics\LICENSE.DAT: Invalid (inconsistent) license key.
    The license key and data for the feature do not match.
    This usually happens when a license file has been altered.
    Feature: bsdall_c
    License path: C:\MentorGraphics\LICENSE.DAT;
    FlexNet Licensing error:-8,523

    Server C:\MentorGraphics\LICENSE.DAT: Invalid (inconsistent) license key.
    The license key and data for the feature do not match.
    This usually happens when a license file has been altered.
    Feature: padspe_c
    License path: C:\MentorGraphics\LICENSE.DAT;
    FlexNet Licensing error:-8,523

    Server C:\MentorGraphics\LICENSE.DAT: Invalid (inconsistent) license key.
    The license key and data for the feature do not match.
    This usually happens when a license file has been altered.
    Feature: padsxe_c
    License path: C:\MentorGraphics\LICENSE.DAT;
    FlexNet Licensing error:-8,523

    Server C:\MentorGraphics\LICENSE.DAT: Invalid (inconsistent) license key.
    The license key and data for the feature do not match.
    This usually happens when a license file has been altered.
    Feature: padsse_c
    License path: C:\MentorGraphics\LICENSE.DAT;
    FlexNet Licensing error:-8,523

    Server C:\MentorGraphics\LICENSE.DAT: Invalid (inconsistent) license key.
    The license key and data for the feature do not match.
    This usually happens when a license file has been altered.
    Feature: padsped_c
    License path: C:\MentorGraphics\LICENSE.DAT;
    FlexNet Licensing error:-8,523

    Server C:\MentorGraphics\LICENSE.DAT: Invalid (inconsistent) license key.
    The license key and data for the feature do not match.
    This usually happens when a license file has been altered.
    Feature: padsxed_c
    License path: C:\MentorGraphics\LICENSE.DAT;
    FlexNet Licensing error:-8,523

    Server C:\MentorGraphics\LICENSE.DAT: Invalid (inconsistent) license key.
    The license key and data for the feature do not match.
    This usually happens when a license file has been altered.
    Feature: padssed_c
    License path: C:\MentorGraphics\LICENSE.DAT;
    FlexNet Licensing error:-8,523

    Server C:\MentorGraphics\LICENSE.DAT: Invalid (inconsistent) license key.
    The license key and data for the feature do not match.
    This usually happens when a license file has been altered.
    Feature: padsxedars_c
    License path: C:\MentorGraphics\LICENSE.DAT;
    FlexNet Licensing error:-8,523

    Server C:\MentorGraphics\LICENSE.DAT: Invalid (inconsistent) license key.
    The license key and data for the feature do not match.
    This usually happens when a license file has been altered.
    Feature: padspel_c
    License path: C:\MentorGraphics\LICENSE.DAT;
    FlexNet Licensing error:-8,523

    Server C:\MentorGraphics\LICENSE.DAT: Invalid (inconsistent) license key.
    The license key and data for the feature do not match.
    This usually happens when a license file has been altered.
    Feature: padsxelars_c
    License path: C:\MentorGraphics\LICENSE.DAT;
    FlexNet Licensing error:-8,523

    Server C:\MentorGraphics\LICENSE.DAT: Invalid (inconsistent) license key.
    The license key and data for the feature do not match.
    This usually happens when a license file has been altered.
    Feature: padssel_c
    License path: C:\MentorGraphics\LICENSE.DAT;
    FlexNet Licensing error:-8,523

    Server C:\MentorGraphics\LICENSE.DAT: Invalid (inconsistent) license key.
    The license key and data for the feature do not match.
    This usually happens when a license file has been altered.
    Feature: padscrl_c
    License path: C:\MentorGraphics\LICENSE.DAT;
    FlexNet Licensing error:-8,523

    Server C:\MentorGraphics\LICENSE.DAT: Invalid (inconsistent) license key.
    The license key and data for the feature do not match.
    This usually happens when a license file has been altered.
    Feature: padscrd_c
    License path: C:\MentorGraphics\LICENSE.DAT;
    FlexNet Licensing error:-8,523

    Server C:\MentorGraphics\LICENSE.DAT: Invalid (inconsistent) license key.
    The license key and data for the feature do not match.
    This usually happens when a license file has been altered.
    Feature: padsxedxs_c
    License path: C:\MentorGraphics\LICENSE.DAT;
    FlexNet Licensing error:-8,523

    Server C:\MentorGraphics\LICENSE.DAT: Invalid (inconsistent) license key.
    The license key and data for the feature do not match.
    This usually happens when a license file has been altered.
    Feature: padssedxs_c
    License path: C:\MentorGraphics\LICENSE.DAT;
    FlexNet Licensing error:-8,523

    Server C:\MentorGraphics\LICENSE.DAT: Invalid (inconsistent) license key.
    The license key and data for the feature do not match.
    This usually happens when a license file has been altered.
    Feature: padssedxsar_c
    License path: C:\MentorGraphics\LICENSE.DAT;
    FlexNet Licensing error:-8,523

    Server C:\MentorGraphics\LICENSE.DAT: Invalid (inconsistent) license key.
    The license key and data for the feature do not match.
    This usually happens when a license file has been altered.
    Feature: padsselar_c
    License path: C:\MentorGraphics\LICENSE.DAT;
    FlexNet Licensing error:-8,523

    Server C:\MentorGraphics\LICENSE.DAT: Invalid (inconsistent) license key.
    The license key and data for the feature do not match.
    This usually happens when a license file has been altered.
    Feature: padses_c
    License path: C:\MentorGraphics\LICENSE.DAT;
    FlexNet Licensing error:-8,523

    Server C:\MentorGraphics\LICENSE.DAT: Invalid (inconsistent) license key.
    The license key and data for the feature do not match.
    This usually happens when a license file has been altered.
    Feature: padsls_c
    License path: C:\MentorGraphics\LICENSE.DAT;
    FlexNet Licensing error:-8,523

    Server C:\MentorGraphics\LICENSE.DAT: Invalid (inconsistent) license key.
    The license key and data for the feature do not match.
    This usually happens when a license file has been altered.
    Feature: padsbr_c
    License path: C:\MentorGraphics\LICENSE.DAT;
    FlexNet Licensing error:-8,523

    Server C:\MentorGraphics\LICENSE.DAT: Invalid (inconsistent) license key.
    The license key and data for the feature do not match.
    This usually happens when a license file has been altered.
    Feature: exppe_c
    License path: C:\MentorGraphics\LICENSE.DAT;
    FlexNet Licensing error:-8,523

    Server C:\MentorGraphics\LICENSE.DAT: Invalid (inconsistent) license key.
    The license key and data for the feature do not match.
    This usually happens when a license file has been altered.
    Feature: exppeat_c
    License path: C:\MentorGraphics\LICENSE.DAT;
    FlexNet Licensing error:-8,523

    Server C:\MentorGraphics\LICENSE.DAT: Invalid (inconsistent) license key.
    The license key and data for the feature do not match.
    This usually happens when a license file has been altered.
    Feature: padspro_c
    License path: C:\MentorGraphics\LICENSE.DAT;
    FlexNet Licensing error:-8,523

    Server C:\MentorGraphics\LICENSE.DAT: Invalid (inconsistent) license key.
    The license key and data for the feature do not match.
    This usually happens when a license file has been altered.
    Feature: padsstd_c
    License path: C:\MentorGraphics\LICENSE.DAT;
    FlexNet Licensing error:-8,523

    Server C:\MentorGraphics\LICENSE.DAT: Invalid (inconsistent) license key.
    The license key and data for the feature do not match.
    This usually happens when a license file has been altered.
    Feature: padsstdplus_c
    License path: C:\MentorGraphics\LICENSE.DAT;
    FlexNet Licensing error:-8,523

    Server C:\MentorGraphics\LICENSE.DAT: Invalid (inconsistent) license key.
    The license key and data for the feature do not match.
    This usually happens when a license file has been altered.
    Feature: padspropcb_c
    License path: C:\MentorGraphics\LICENSE.DAT;
    FlexNet Licensing error:-8,523

    Server C:\flexlm\license.dat: Invalid (inconsistent) license key.
    The license key and data for the feature do not match.
    This usually happens when a license file has been altered.
    Feature: mgc_s
    License path: C:\flexlm\license.dat;
    FlexNet Licensing error:-8,523

    Server C:\flexlm\license.dat: Invalid (inconsistent) license key.
    The license key and data for the feature do not match.
    This usually happens when a license file has been altered.
    Feature: mentorall_s
    License path: C:\flexlm\license.dat;
    FlexNet Licensing error:-8,523

    Server C:\flexlm\license.dat: Invalid (inconsistent) license key.
    The license key and data for the feature do not match.
    This usually happens when a license file has been altered.
    Feature: bsdall_c
    License path: C:\flexlm\license.dat;
    FlexNet Licensing error:-8,523

    Server C:\flexlm\license.dat: Invalid (inconsistent) license key.
    The license key and data for the feature do not match.
    This usually happens when a license file has been altered.
    Feature: padspe_c
    License path: C:\flexlm\license.dat;
    FlexNet Licensing error:-8,523

    Server C:\flexlm\license.dat: Invalid (inconsistent) license key.
    The license key and data for the feature do not match.
    This usually happens when a license file has been altered.
    Feature: padsxe_c
    License path: C:\flexlm\license.dat;
    FlexNet Licensing error:-8,523

    Server C:\flexlm\license.dat: Invalid (inconsistent) license key.
    The license key and data for the feature do not match.
    This usually happens when a license file has been altered.
    Feature: padsse_c
    License path: C:\flexlm\license.dat;
    FlexNet Licensing error:-8,523

    Server C:\flexlm\license.dat: Invalid (inconsistent) license key.
    The license key and data for the feature do not match.
    This usually happens when a license file has been altered.
    Feature: padsped_c
    License path: C:\flexlm\license.dat;
    FlexNet Licensing error:-8,523

    Server C:\flexlm\license.dat: Invalid (inconsistent) license key.
    The license key and data for the feature do not match.
    This usually happens when a license file has been altered.
    Feature: padsxed_c
    License path: C:\flexlm\license.dat;
    FlexNet Licensing error:-8,523

    Server C:\flexlm\license.dat: Invalid (inconsistent) license key.
    The license key and data for the feature do not match.
    This usually happens when a license file has been altered.
    Feature: padssed_c
    License path: C:\flexlm\license.dat;
    FlexNet Licensing error:-8,523

    Server C:\flexlm\license.dat: Invalid (inconsistent) license key.
    The license key and data for the feature do not match.
    This usually happens when a license file has been altered.
    Feature: padsxedars_c
    License path: C:\flexlm\license.dat;
    FlexNet Licensing error:-8,523

    Server C:\flexlm\license.dat: Invalid (inconsistent) license key.
    The license key and data for the feature do not match.
    This usually happens when a license file has been altered.
    Feature: padspel_c
    License path: C:\flexlm\license.dat;
    FlexNet Licensing error:-8,523

    Server C:\flexlm\license.dat: Invalid (inconsistent) license key.
    The license key and data for the feature do not match.
    This usually happens when a license file has been altered.
    Feature: padsxelars_c
    License path: C:\flexlm\license.dat;
    FlexNet Licensing error:-8,523

    Server C:\flexlm\license.dat: Invalid (inconsistent) license key.
    The license key and data for the feature do not match.
    This usually happens when a license file has been altered.
    Feature: padssel_c
    License path: C:\flexlm\license.dat;
    FlexNet Licensing error:-8,523

    Server C:\flexlm\license.dat: Invalid (inconsistent) license key.
    The license key and data for the feature do not match.
    This usually happens when a license file has been altered.
    Feature: padscrl_c
    License path: C:\flexlm\license.dat;
    FlexNet Licensing error:-8,523

    Server C:\flexlm\license.dat: Invalid (inconsistent) license key.
    The license key and data for the feature do not match.
    This usually happens when a license file has been altered.
    Feature: padscrd_c
    License path: C:\flexlm\license.dat;
    FlexNet Licensing error:-8,523

    Server C:\flexlm\license.dat: Invalid (inconsistent) license key.
    The license key and data for the feature do not match.
    This usually happens when a license file has been altered.
    Feature: padsxedxs_c
    License path: C:\flexlm\license.dat;
    FlexNet Licensing error:-8,523

    Server C:\flexlm\license.dat: Invalid (inconsistent) license key.
    The license key and data for the feature do not match.
    This usually happens when a license file has been altered.
    Feature: padssedxs_c
    License path: C:\flexlm\license.dat;
    FlexNet Licensing error:-8,523

    Server C:\flexlm\license.dat: Invalid (inconsistent) license key.
    The license key and data for the feature do not match.
    This usually happens when a license file has been altered.
    Feature: padssedxsar_c
    License path: C:\flexlm\license.dat;
    FlexNet Licensing error:-8,523

    Server C:\flexlm\license.dat: Invalid (inconsistent) license key.
    The license key and data for the feature do not match.
    This usually happens when a license file has been altered.
    Feature: padsselar_c
    License path: C:\flexlm\license.dat;
    FlexNet Licensing error:-8,523

    Server C:\flexlm\license.dat: Invalid (inconsistent) license key.
    The license key and data for the feature do not match.
    This usually happens when a license file has been altered.
    Feature: padses_c
    License path: C:\flexlm\license.dat;
    FlexNet Licensing error:-8,523

    Server C:\flexlm\license.dat: Invalid (inconsistent) license key.
    The license key and data for the feature do not match.
    This usually happens when a license file has been altered.
    Feature: padsls_c
    License path: C:\flexlm\license.dat;
    FlexNet Licensing error:-8,523

    Server C:\flexlm\license.dat: Invalid (inconsistent) license key.
    The license key and data for the feature do not match.
    This usually happens when a license file has been altered.
    Feature: padsbr_c
    License path: C:\flexlm\license.dat;
    FlexNet Licensing error:-8,523

    Server C:\flexlm\license.dat: Invalid (inconsistent) license key.
    The license key and data for the feature do not match.
    This usually happens when a license file has been altered.
    Feature: exppe_c
    License path: C:\flexlm\license.dat;
    FlexNet Licensing error:-8,523

    Server C:\flexlm\license.dat: Invalid (inconsistent) license key.
    The license key and data for the feature do not match.
    This usually happens when a license file has been altered.
    Feature: exppeat_c
    License path: C:\flexlm\license.dat;
    FlexNet Licensing error:-8,523


    • 我的win11系统也出现这种情况,请问你找到解决办法了吗?

  • 微信用户
  • 每次关闭软件或打开.pcb文件时都弹出来这个错误框,提示发生严重的运行时错误,请按“确认”关闭程序,有什么解决办法吗

  • 段公子
  • 吴老师,你好,我装的是 PADSVX.2.7_ESDM版本,每次到了破解的时候就会报警,请问是因为什么?有试过关掉杀毒软件以及断网等措施,还是一样的

  • Charlee
  • PADS9.5 是否为下面的2个安装包?

    • 是安装包,带Update2的是9.5的Update2更新补丁的安装包

  • Charlee
  • 安装PADS 9.5 时,出现下面图片, 没有logic , router ,layout 快捷键

  • Charlee
  • 安装PADS 9.5 时,出现下面图片

  • 平头哥
  • 下载|Mentor PADS

    • 按文章结尾处给出的方法到微信公众号发生对应的下载关键字获取下载链接,🙂

  • koko
  • 说真的,用了快两个月的PADS,真心觉得难用,不如Cadence来的好用。

  • Beau
  • 下载|Mentor PADS

  • 彭建辉
  • 请教一下 HyperLynx 9.4的解压密码是多少

  • dyxiang
  • 百度网盘里点了下载没有反应呀。谢谢

  • 老天 
  • PADS 9.5的百度网盘链接有问题,无法显示验证码。

  • Fish 闲鱼
  • 请问padsVX.2.7_ESDM.rar 是标准版吗?

  • 张楠
  • 大牛 标准版和专业版可以同时装在一台电脑上么? 另外 mentor系列 就你实际使用的感觉 哪个更舒服一些 ,我用9.5和标准版V2.3版本时 感觉一些操作细节上不如AD16的舒服,想换一换软件版本

  • 须臾
  • 吴老师装PADS VX2.5 遇到如下问题重新装也不行,这是为什么呢

  • 燕子
  • 老師, 請問如何取得串接提取碼?

  • 龙
  • 你好吴老师,请问您有 Mentor Xpedition VX2.4版本的软件包嘛

    • 网盘里的安装包刚好跳过了VX 2.4这个版本 😂

  • wayne
  • 老吳,請問下載點已不在了?

    • 刚测试了下,百度网盘没有问题,如果是非中国大陆地区访问的话,有时候百度网盘会出现访问不了的情况

  • weige876
  • 大家好, 我使用xpedition 导symbol 封装有个问题, 就是 不用选中 ASCII FILE ,很讨厌。

  • Rui
  • 老吴,压缩包损坏,

  • karkar
  • pads pro V2.8里边两个文件,那个docs是什么,需要下载吗

  • PD智能断电-张东善
  • 請問Windows10 20H2 版本会使PADS VX 當机. 如何排除?

  • pixel1518
  • XENTPVX.2.8_DOC_win64

  • 大师,为啥我装了VX2.7的版本,破解也成功了,然后去开关软件过一会儿就闪退了?

    • 如果能运行,成功进入软件,那破解就没问题了,至于“软件过一会儿就闪退了”这个与你的系统环境有关

  • 沈
  • 你好,破解安装后为什么显示:当前没有可用的“PADS Professional Student Edition”许可证项。 项目将不会打开?

  • 冬天的火盆
  • 大神,馒头破戒好久更新支持2.8 啊

  • 帥睿
  • 吳老師 請問一下 PADS PRO Library Tools V2.7 如何解呢?感謝

  • 常寒
  • PADSVX2.3转cadence16.6部分丝印丢失(还有部分成功转到)是什么情况?

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