Cadence Sigrity 2016 吴川斌的博客独家版

 Cadence Sigrity 2016 吴川斌的博客独家版

Sigrity 自从与 Cadence 合体后,就一直在进化着,日前,Cadence公司发布了Sigrity的最新一代版本 Cadence Sigrity 2016.


Cadence Sigrity 2016 吴川斌的博客独家版下载地址:


Sigrity 2016 带来了若干功能的更新:

  • Upgraded serial link analysis flow
  • Optimized design flows
  • Upgraded 3D interconnect modeling
  • Upgraded serial link analysis flow to accelerate the time to pass compliance tests 
    • New IBIS-AMI model building technology takes industry-proven equalization algorithms and provides a wizard-based graphical interface to rapidly facilitate creation of IBIS-AMI models. Available in two tiers, one that enables creation of models strictly for Sigrity tools, and another that creates models suitable for any IBIS-AMI compliant simulator.
    • New cut-and-stitch model extraction technology allows for segmenting long serial links into sections that should be modeled using 3D full-wave and sections that can be modeled using hybrid extraction technology. The resultant model is extracted 10X faster than a strictly 3D full-wave extraction with 95% accuracy.
    • New USB 3.1 (Gen 2) compliance kit to confirm that the 10Gbps interface requirements are met.
  • Optimized design flow between PCB designer and power integrity engineer
    • New cross-probing between DC analysis report file and Allegro® editing canvas
    • Batch DC analysis available directly from the Allegro editing canvas
    • Review previously generated DC analysis report files from the Allegro editing canvas
  • Optimized design flow between IC package designer and characterization engineer
    • Batch electrical performance assessment (EPA) available directly from the IC package designer’s editing canvas
    • Batch package model creation using hybrid solver technology directly from the IC package designer’s editing canvas
    • Review previously generated EPA report data from the IC package designer’s editing canvas
  • Upgraded 3D interconnect modeling to enable rapid modeling of low-cost PCB and IC packages
    • New rapid and accurate capacitance extraction technology
    • Quickly produce RLCG interconnect models for designs with few (or no) power and ground planes/shapes using new 3D quasi-static extraction technology


对了,差点忘了跟大家说如何安装和破解了,安装及破解可以用巨好用的阿狸狗破戒大师来安装破解,到 下载阿狸狗破戒大师,然后以管理员权限运行阿狸狗破戒大师,选择“安装 Sigrity 仿真软件“选项,在下拉菜单在选择”Cadence Sigrity 2016“,然后在”安装源文件“里输入Cadence Sigrity 2016 吴川斌的博客独家版的压缩包地址,注意,不要将Cadence Sigrity 2016 吴川斌的博客独家版解压出来,需要把整个压缩包路径填进去,在安装过程中会自动解压的,然后就是交个阿狸狗破戒大师来自动帮你完成整个安装及破解过程啦,O(∩_∩)O~


Cadence Sigrity 2016 安装


Cadence Sigrity 2016 吴川斌的博客独家版下载地址:




  • 解压需要密码

  • 陈昊
  • 吴老师,我用sigrity2016做一个DDR仿真,一直报这个错误,请问怎么解决

  • cxc123456
  • 吴老师,为什么我破解了,打开PCB Designer,再打开浏览器就会连续弹出同一个网站,然后隔了两天就就打不开软件了,显示没有许可证。

  • 疯狂上分的小菜鸟
  • 吴老师,我的cadence sigrity 2016为啥无法打开17.2的.mcm 和. sip的文件,16.6的可以打开,报错代码11000238

  • 章鱼君177
  • 问题:😅老师,有一些功能是灰色的?是软件本身的问题吗?

    • 是有问题,这个没法勾选吗?你的是什么版本,以什么license feature启动的?

      • cadence sigrity 2016版。license feature是cadence license manager的意思吗?如果是的话,就是12.06

        • cadence sigrity 2016 好早的版本,我没有这个环境了,不确定是不是你之前打Hotfix_SIG16.00.002造成的问题或者其它问题引起的

  • 章鱼君177
  • 您好,问题:安装Hotfix_SIG16.00.002更新补丁失败,为什么呢?
    用阿狸狗破戒大师V3.0.0自动安装。已经成功安装allegro 17.2,sigrity16.6。

  • 吴老师,破解成功之后,powerSI一直是当机状态,这怎么解?

  • 吴老师,cadence sigrity也有网页不停弹出的问题,怎么破呢,求解

  • 大神一直弹出这个怎么解决啊,cadence sigrity

  • 吴老师,你好!有没有32位版的Sigrity啊,能不能给个链接下载一下啊?

    • sigrity 16.64 貌似有32位版本的 后来的2015 2016 2017 都是64位版本了,我这里只有64位版本的 ?

  • 是的 要升级License Manager

  • 找到问题了, License Manager的版本不对, 用 12.05 的就可以了

  • 老师你好, 使用阿狸狗破戒大师 2.1.2破解后, Sigrity Suite Manager显示的是data is ready, 但是打开其中的软件(如powersi)却依然提示没有license. 我用两台不同的电脑试过, 都是相同的现象, 操作系统是win7 64bit.

  • 什么时候更新阿里狗破解,现在的里面没有sigrity2016

  • 老师你好,我下载最新的破解大师,里面sigrity还是没有2016的啊?谢谢

  • 对 正在做最后的测试 今晚或明天更新阿狸狗破戒大师

  • 阿狸狗破戒大师还未更新吧,只有Cadence Sigrity 2015的选项

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